Dallas, TX 2/19/2011 4:26:35 AM
News / Law

Protests in Libya Just one of Many

by Daun Lee

Several countries in the Middle East region are rife with political unrest. First we had Egyptian protests which result in the resignation of their leader Hosni Mumbarak. Following Egyptian protests, the countries of Behrain, Libya, Jordan and Yemen are now amidst heavy anti-monarchy protests citing they are very corrupt. The police forces and the government have been using force and intimidation in effort to put the protests to rest. Human rights advocates are outraged by the growing number of injured or dead.

The residents of the Arab anions are angry about the unemployment rates, the extreme poverty and governmental corruption. The anti-government protestors want change or the over-throw of their unscrupulous leaders. Violence and unrest in these countries could lead to waves or refugees seeking sanctuary in nations with better economic opportunities and enhanced personal freedoms.  Immigration attorneys can guide refuges in the process of migrating to the US.

Political unrest endangers the personal safety of many individuals. Refugees are often harassed and harmed in their native countries. The government of the United States allows thousands of individuals to enter the country for the purpose of attaining asylum who are at risk of losing their lives. Fleeing to a peaceful nation is easier when the expertise of an immigration lawyer is utilized. The liberal immigration policy of the US is helpful to people who want to leave corrupt regimes. An immigration lawyer will help political refugees in their dire need.