Denver, CO 12/1/2008 3:20:39 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Publishes Information on A New Brain Injury Treatment Method Utilizing Computerized Cognitive Training

LegalView, the number one legal resource available on the Internet, recently updated its traumatic brain injury information blog with news of a new option for brain injury patients that utilizes computerized cognitive training methods as a brain injury treatment. According to news reports from the Federal Telemedicine News, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is looking into computerized methods for “battlefield triage and monitoring of traumatic brain injuries” that may be able to assist in rehabilitating traumatic brain injury (TBI) victims on the war field. Additionally, Posit Science, a company that develops and studies brain injury rehabilitation methods, has developed a cognitive training program that is being studied in clinical trials and has reportedly been able to improve victims of TBI suffering from cognitive impairments with a non-invasive training.

Traumatic brain injuries affects at least 1.4 million U.S. citizens annually and thousands of these individuals go untreated for their TBI condition, which may worsen their TBI symptoms. Additionally, scientists have deemed TBI and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) the signature injuries of the Iraq war. Individuals who have been involved in a traumatic brain injury accident are advised to contact a medical professional immediately. In addition to gaining medical assistance, it is also important to consider the legalities surrounding such an incident. Contacting a traumatic brain injury law firm that can provide contact with specialized and experienced
TBI attorneys and lawyers may assist a TBI victim in receiving a free legal consultation on the details of a potential TBI lawsuit that may offer an award of monetary compensation to help a brain injured patient with costly medical bills.

In addition to news and information on TBI treatments, LegalView also has made available a library of legal issues where insightful and informative details can be derived for those suffering from severe legal and medical issues. For example, LegalView offers information on rare conditions such as Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and mesothelioma as well as information on controversial pharmaceuticals such as Avandia.

Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF) is a rare and debilitating condition that is currently untreatable and has been allegedly linked to the administration of gadolinium dyes during magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance angiography (MRI/MRA) among kidney disease patients. Because of the rarity of the drug as well as the minute population it affects,
NSF victims should consider seeking medical and legal assistance.

Mesothelioma is also a rare condition that has been linked to the inhalation of asbestos fibers and asbestos dust among its victims, who then begin to develop cancerous cells within the lining of the body’s organs including the lungs. For years, and mostly decades, the condition remains dormant while cancer cells metastasize and become a deadly form of cancer that cannot be treated. For more information on this incurable form of cancer, patients should consult an experienced
mesothelioma attorney to better understand the condition.

LegalView’s information portal provides victims of controversial pharmaceuticals such as Avandia with resources ranging from Avandia news to obtaining an experienced Avandia lawyer for development of an
Avandia class action lawsuit. The drug itself is a type 2 diabetes medication that has been allegedly associated with the development of early onset osteoporosis and heart failure among patients.

About LegalView: is a public service brought to you by Legal WebTV Network, LLC, a Limited Liability Corporation created by a group of the nation's most highly respected law firms: Anapol Schwartz; Brent Coon and Associates; Burg Simpson; Cohen, Placitella and Roth; James F. Humphreys and Associates; Lopez McHugh; and Thornton and Naumes. For more information on the accomplishments and track records of's superior sponsoring law firms and to get in touch with LegalView attorneys, visit LegalView at