Denver, CO 12/1/2008 11:13:47 AM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Updates Brain Injury Site with Information on TBI Disabled Soldier’s Family, the number one online legal resource for Americans, recently updated its traumatic brain injury blog with information of one family’s struggle to provide a disabled soldier family member with care after he sustained a severe traumatic brain injury from an improvised explosive device (IED) hitting his Humvee in the Iraq war. The family has blogged about their role as caregivers that each have provided for Sgt. Sam Nichols since he returned home. Each blog lists updates on Nichols status as well as insight into the difficulties that have plagued the family which are not only mental and physical, but have taken a financial toll as well.

Individuals with a similar plight to that of Sgt. Sam Nichols and his family should consider contacting a
brain injury law firm that can provide a number of TBI attorneys and TBI lawyers to choose from. A brain injury lawyer will likely be able to offer a free legal consultation as to the development of any potential traumatic brain injury lawsuit.

Traumatic brain injuries affect millions of Americans annually and a total of 5.4 million U.S. citizens currently suffer from TBI and its side effects, which can range from memory loss to personality changes as well as cognitive disorders, according to the Brain Injury Association of America (BIA). For more information on the details and complications associated with a TBI diagnosis, it is advisable to contact a neurologist as well as a specialized
traumatic brain injury attorney.

LegalView also offers several other information portals for victims of more than just traumatic brain injuries. For example, there are information portals with topics ranging from mesothelioma cancer to controversial prescription drug issues such as Avandia and Byetta.

Mesothelioma cancer is a rare form of cancer that has been linked to the inhalation of asbestos fibers and dust among individuals often employed in or working with construction materials. The mesothelioma practice area portal offers information on mesothelioma treatments and updated mesothelioma news as well as how to obtain an experienced
mesothelioma attorney.

Additionally, there are several pharmaceutical portals containing information about controversial drugs such as the type 2 diabetes drugs known as Avandia and Byetta. Avandia, which was released from GlaxoSmithKline in mid-1999, is part of a drug class that utilizes an individual’s natural insulin production rather than administering outside insulin injections. It has been prescribed to millions of diabetics and has also been at the center of an ongoing controversy regarding the
Avandia side effects. The drug has been linked to early onset osteoporosis as well as heart disease and heart failure among patients.

Byetta, which is also a type 2 diabetes drug at the center of a controversy, is part of a different class of drugs that uses the body’s natural insulin production as well, however, Byetta injects medicine that "mimics" the effects of hormones and other functions into the body to cause insulin production. Byetta has been available on the market since 2005 and by October 2007, patients began reporting side effects that included acute pancreatitis. Individuals who have been adversely affected by Byetta are encouraged to contact a pharmaceutical attorney as participation in a
Byetta class action lawsuit may be possible.

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