Dallas, TX 2/22/2011 3:28:42 AM
News / Law

Wisconsin and South Dakota Face Treacherous Road Conditions

by Daun Lee

A winter storm with blizzard conditions has crippled travel through Midwest. Snow and ice have made roads unsafe for motorists as it accumulates on the roads. The storm hit South Dakota on Saturday night and moved on to Wisconsin. The travelers in the area are asked to take safety precautions and avoid driving unless necessary.

Even the most experienced driver cannot always avoid the hazardous conditions of driving in winter storms and can end up in ditches or collide with other vehicles. Some of these collisions can be mild but there are a large number where serious harm to property or person occurs. The many winter storms that have ravaged the US, especially the mid-west and north east, have caused many accidents throughout the regions.

Anyone who has driven in winter conditions knows how easily an accident can occur. Property can be damaged or destroyed and an accident attorney can help recoup those losses. Even worse than damage to property, is suffering from a personal injury. Individuals injured in an accident can incur high medical bills and lose wages. Recovery from injuries is likely delayed when accompanied by the stress of debt. Employing an accident lawyer can assure the individual who has experienced a loss of property or a physical injury will be compensated for their troubles.  If someone must drive in winter weather, defensive driving tactics should be utilized but even with caution accidents are likely and require the guidance of an accident attorney.