Washington, DC 2/22/2011 4:57:48 AM
News / Law

The Clash over Collective Bargaining Continues

by Daun Lee

The past week has seen protests in the state of Wisconsin over collective bargaining. The state’s governor Scott Brown refuses to compromise with the unions. The American worker has been outraged by the prospect they could lose the right to negotiate wages and benefits for employees of public service. Collective bargaining is a worker’s right employed by unions in the private and public work sectors. In the past many laborers lost their lives fighting for their right to reach settlement terms with their employers.

For state workers, Walker proposes they take more out of their pockets to pay for health insurance and retirement benefits. He refuses to negotiate seemingly ignoring the concerns of those in public service. The price of gas and groceries has put a major crunch on most Americans and taking even more out of their pockets could hurt our failing economy.

Numerous American’s face bankruptcy and foreclosure across the country. The lack of new jobs and no growth in wages have been devastating for the workers in the country. The number of unemployed in the country has led to the explosion of foreclosures and the need of foreclosure attorneys. Losing the right to negotiate with employers puts workers at a disadvantage. They stand to lose more wages. Losing wages or a job puts numerous people at risk of losing their homes unless they employ foreclosure attorneys. The prospect of losing a home is overwhelming but with the assistance of an foreclosure lawyer, the effects of the process can be minimized.