Scranton 2/22/2011 1:04:09 PM
News / Law

Crooked Pennsylvania Judge Convicted of Racketeering And Conspiracy To Accept Bribes

A crooked Pennsylvania judge who was convicted of taking cash bribes from private juvenile detention centers received a tongue-lashing outside a courthouse from a heartbroken mom whose 23 year old son committed suicide after the judge unfairly threw the book at him.

Mark Ciavarella, 61, a former juvenile court judge in Luzerne County, Penn., was convicted Friday of sentencing hundreds of children convicted of minor offenses to harsh, for-profit detention centers in exchange for several millions of dollars in kickbacks from the centers' owners.

Ex Judge Ciaverella,was convicted of 12 counts, including racketeering and conspiracy, in one of the most stunning cases of judicial corruption in the state's history after he was booted off the bench in Luzerne County two years ago after prosecutors first accused him and a second judge, Michael Conahan, of running the "cash for kids" scandal.

The two Juvenile court judges were accused of taking over 2.5 million dollars in bribes to send children to the PA Child Care LLC, juvenile lock-up in Wilkes-Barre, and another center for minor or first-time offenses, including stealing change from cars, joyriding and possessing drug paraphernalia.

As he was leaving court in Scranton, Ciaverella was confronted by Sandy Fonzo, whose son, Edward Kenzakoski, killed himself last year after the twisted judge's decision to put him away for a minor drug offense sent the boy's life spiraling out of control. 

"My kid's not here anymore. He's dead! Because of him!" Fonzo shouted at the judge and his lawyer as they talked to reporters on the courthouse steps.

"He ruined my fucking life! I'd like him to go to hell and rot there forever!" she shouted.

As guards attempted to restrain her, Fonzo reached out and touched the ex-judge on the arm, shouting, "Do you remember me?"

"Do you remember my son? An all-star wrestler? He's gone, he shot himself in the heart, you scumbag!"

Kenzakoski was 17 at the time and expecting to receive a college wrestling scholarship when he was busted for possession of drug paraphernalia and landed in the ex-judge's court.

Ciavarella, who was known as "Mr. Zero Tolerence," sentenced him to fours months in boot camp and 30 days at the youth jail for the offense, which was his first.

As a result of the bust, the boy didn't get the scholarship he expected and fell into a life of crime and depression, his mom said.

He developed anger issues and was convicted of aggravated assault as an adult, Wilkes-Barre's Times Leader reported.

He shot himself last June, at the age of 23.

The ex-judge said he was innocent throughout the trial, saying he "never took a dime to send a kid anywhere."

Ciavarella is free until his sentencing. He could face up to 157 years in prison.

Conahan agreed to plead guilty to fraud charges and will serve 87 months in prison.

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