Florida 2/23/2011 1:25:40 AM
News / Law

Possibility of Federal Shutdown in 2011

by Daun Lee

The Obama administration along with Congress is working to avoid a shutdown of the Social Security Administration.  If the lawmakers cannot agree on budget terms by March 4 certain agencies face forced furloughs. The shutdown could delay Social Security and welfare payments and dip into the pockets of employees. Between December 1996 and January 1997, when the fed shutdown over 60,000 employees of the social security administration were forced to stay home while a mere 4,800 employees were left to process claims. The budget up for debate calls for a 625 million dollar cut in the budget of the SSA.

No decision has been made public where the budget cuts will fall, but it is likely result in some federal employees being laid off, further impacting the unemployment rate. Individuals all over the country are being hit hard by the current financial crisis and must employ bankruptcy attorneys. Despite the predictions that the economy is growing, the budget cuts of 2011 could lead to higher unemployment. Without enough work citizens face bankruptcy and will require the assistance of bankruptcy lawyers.

The outlook is grim for the American workers who are already combating the rising prices of food, fuel and energy. Some must rely on alternative ways like credit cards to meet their budget needs. Faced with growing debt people have no other alternative than to seek the expertise of a bankruptcy lawyer to relive their financial burdens.