Miami 2/23/2011 1:44:47 AM
News / Law

One Killed in California Bus Crash

A bus church carrying juveniles collided head on with another vehicle and slid down an embankment.  Members of the Korean Church Light of Love were traveling from a weekend retreat when the bus hit an icy patch of road and hit the passenger vehicle. The driver of the bus was killed and 24 of the bus passengers were injured. California Highway Patrol had to extricate many of the teenagers and they set up triage on site to treat the injured. The driver of the passenger vehicle along with his wife were taken to the hospital but their injuries weren’t life threatening. Road conditions are blamed for the accident.

Motor vehicle accidents are common on our streets and are the number one cause of death exceeding diseases such as cancer. Most often these accidents are caused by the negligence of others and if proven by an accident attorney the victims can seek financial compensation. The family members of those killed in an accident are left to with overwhelming debt, especially if the deceased was the bread winner. 

For those who are merely injured, debt from lost wages and medical bills can inhibit the recovery process. An accident lawyer can fight for the rights of accident victims. Money can’t replace a loved one or heal injuries but it can alleviate financial woes. With the expertise of an accident lawyer, people who are injured in an accident can be confident they will receive just compensation for their pain and suffering.