Miami 2/23/2011 5:20:00 AM
News / Law

Jessica Hahn Appears on the View

by Daun Lee

The long running daytime talk show “The View” continued their theme of having guests who are famous for some not so savory reasons. Today they featured Jessica Hahn who was at the center of a sex scandal involving televangelist Jim Bakker. During the eighties while working as a secretary for his church Hahn became sexually involved with the infamous church leader. At the time Hahn maintained that Bakker and another church leader raped her, a claim Bakker says is completely false. The married church leader paid Hahn off to keep her silent which subsequently landed him in jail.

Numerous companies have policies against relationships among their employees. Flirtation and sexual innuendos if unwanted is considered sexual harassment. When approached sexually by a co-worker a person can feel very uncomfortable, creating a hostile working environment which can be relieved with the help of a sexual harassment lawyer. Sexual harassment includes references to body parts, jokes or comments about sex and overt solicitation for ex

In the workplace superiors occasionally approach a subordinate in the interest of gaining sexual favors. The superior may threaten the victim’s job or promise a promotion in exchange for a sexual activity; this is called quid pro quo harassment. Hiring sexual harassment lawyer can help a harassed individual keep their job and retain their dignity. Harassment in the workplace is largely unreported. A sexual harassment attorney can give the victim the strength necessary to speak out aginst this prevalent type of abuse.