Miami 2/23/2011 5:29:19 AM
News / Law

Woman accused if Chemical Warfare will Be Allowed to Appeal Case

by Daun Lee

In 2007, Carol Bond was charged with the federal offense of using chemical warfare under anti-terrorism laws in the federal courts. Bond was seeking revenge against a woman, who was once her best friend, Myrlina Haynes. Clifford Bond and Carol Bond were married for 14 years and unable to have children. Not wishing to remain childless Clifford impregnated Haynes. When the news of the impropriety surfaced Carol obtained chemicals which could be fatal and spread them around Hayne’s vehicle and mail box. Haynes was unsatisfied with the police’s investigation and contacted federal officials who tried Bond in federal court but judge has given the chance to appeal the conviction and face charges in a state court.

Carol Bond would have been better off if she had contacted a divorce lawyer than take revenge. Faced with marital discord many women initiate divorce, a much better alternative to revenge. A divorce lawyer works in the best interest of their client and would have been a tremendous help to Carol in her trouble times and there is little doubt a judge would have sided in her favor.

When emotions ride high people may be at loss of what to do when betrayed by their spouses. Many people who are married cheat on their spouses for different reasons but enacting revenge on the guilty parties is a terrible decision. Seeking the advice of a divorce lawyer can be the objective party in an emotional distressing marriage.