Atlanta 2/24/2011 1:30:17 AM
News / Law

Florida Police Arrest Teen Boy For Killing Police Officer

Florida authorities have arrested a teen boy for the killing of a St. Petersburg police officer. The unidentified boy has been charged with first degree murder for shooting veteran police officer David Crawford Monday night.

Crawford was responding to a call about suspicious activity involving someone with a brick in a resident’s backyard when the shooting occurred. He was not wearing a bullet proof vest and died of multiple gunshot wounds.

St. Petersburg Police Chief Chuck Harmon said the suspect has a criminal record and is a student at a Pinellas County school. The teen has confessed to killing Crawford. “It is quite apparent he was remorseful in his action. He cried,” said Harmon. "You don't expect this type of confrontation between a 16-year-old and a police officer like this. I feel for the juvenile's family but at the same time he's got to be accountable for his actions."

Crawford is the third St. Petersburg police officer to be killed in the line of duty with in the past month.


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