Miami 2/24/2011 3:37:33 AM
News / Law

Singer Rhianna’s Ex has Restraining Order Reduced

by Daun Lee

The night before the 2009 Grammy’s, Chris Brown, a best- selling R&B singer, physical assaulted his then girlfriend, Rhianna. Witness called the police but Brown had already left the scene. He was later arrested and charged for domestic violence. He was sentenced to community service, probation and a 52 week program for domestic violence education. Tuesday the singer asked the court to lift restrictions imposed by a restraining order which the judge granted. He can now speak to, call or e-mail the singer but is ordered not to harass. He can now attend music events and award shows.

Domestic violence affects nearly 30 million people in the US alone. Spousal abuse can be physical, emotional or verbal.  Many battered spouses continue to remain in the relationships which police and divorce attorneys would advise against. In cases of domestic partner abuse, the injury and harm generally continues to escalate and at times results in death, either of the battered or the batterer. There are numerous reasons that people stay in violent relationships. Co-dependency and economics are the main factors people remain in these bad relationships.

divorce lawyer cannot help a victim of spousal abuse with their co-dependency but they can aid in obtaining much needed financial support. There numerous resources available to aid the abuse victim with relocation an emotional support. With a strong support system and a divorce attorney the abused spouse can feel more confident about leaving their partner.