Miami 2/24/2011 4:04:25 AM
News / Law

Iraqi Immigrant Convicted of Murdering his Daughter

by Daun Lee

Faleh Hassan Almaleki was convicted of murdering his 20 year old daughter Noor Faleh Almeleki in 2009. Almaleki am immigrant from Iraq claimed his daughter was becoming “too westernized” and defying Iraqi traditions. While his daughter and the mother of her fiancé were walking in a Peoria parking lot Almaleki struck the two women seriously injuring both. Noor died in an Arizona hospital two weeks later. The family immigrated to the US in mid-1990. After hitting the two women he fled to Mexico and attempted to fly to Bahrain where he was refused admission and deported to the US.

Immigrants from the Middle East pursue asylum in nations experiencing peace for fear of their lives, but often bring their beliefs with them which often clash with Western ideals. Freedom of religion is a right all American citizens enjoy and is protected by the constitution. Thousands of immigrants with the guidance of an immigration lawyer come to the US and are allowed citizenship every year. Most immigrants are searching for an improvement in their way of life. Other immigrants are seeking the right to practice their religion and hold their personal beliefs. With the help of an immigration attorney many immigrants can full realize these freedoms.

Immigrants who are fleeing war torn nations can seek asylum in the US with the aid of an immigration attorney. Their citizenship will afford them the right to practice their religion however they must promise to uphold the laws of their new nation.