Miami 2/24/2011 11:23:34 PM
News / Law

Whitehouse Will no Longer uphold Defense of Marriage Act

by Daun Lee

The Obama Administration along with the Justice Department will no longer recognize the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act enacted in 1996. The decision to no longer uphold the legislation was released to the press today. The President and Justice Department will still be required to follow the statute until the matter can be debated in the Senate and Congress. According to the Administration DOMA violates the principle of equal rights for all Americans and reflects judgments on the morality of same-sex relationships.

This victory will likely create a flurry of gay marriages once the DOMA is over turned. The debate over allowing gay couples to marry has been a matter of contention for many years and vilified homosexuals will be able to shed the moral stigma of their personal choices. Gay relationships especially among lesbians tend to last longer than straight marriages which end at a rate of 44 percent with help from divorce attorneys. Once marriage is sanctioned perhaps gay marriages can change the currently high divorce rate.

Once the topic can be debated homosexuals may be given the right to marry and share the rights of traditional marriages including health benefits and joint tax returns. They will also be allowed the same rights in divorce proceedings with the assistance of a divorce attorney. The numerous gay couples once married will be entitled to spousal support and child custody with the aid of a divorce lawyer.