Miami 2/25/2011 12:41:16 AM
News / Law

Natalie Kenly is New Member of Charlie Sheen’s Harem

by Daun Lee

Wild man Charlie Sheen likes the company of women and makes no bones about it. His tumultuous personal life keeps him in the eyes of the press and paparazzi and people everywhere talk about his antics. His recent fling is a young lady named Natalie Kenly who is no stranger to partying ways. Charlie pursued Natalie after seeing her on the cover of California magazine promoting marijuana called Cali Chronic X. The two were hooked up through a mutual friend and hit it off.

In addition to being a pot enthusiast, Natalie was arrested for underage drinking in 2006, talk about two peas in a pod. California has a number of celebrity pot enthusiasts and heavy drinkers who have to employ DUI attorneys. The tabloid news is full of celebs and their illegal habits but it isn’t exclusive to celebrities.

Everyday people also drink to excess and smoke marijuana. Around 40 percent of the American population smokes the intoxicating plant which begs for legalization. Consuming intoxicants like pot and alcohol isn’t all that bad until they get behind the wheel and get a DUI, a mess only a DUI lawyer can get a person out of. Drunk driving is a serious problem and kills thousands of people every year. The courts are tough on drunk drivers and hand down tough penalties. By retaining an experienced DUI lawyer the dunk driver will have someone speaking for them who may minimize the strict penalties.