Miami 2/25/2011 1:04:58 AM
News / Law

Arizona to Enact Strict Illegal Immigration Laws

by Daun Lee

In spite of being taken to court by the feds over previous immigration acts the state of Arizona has more anti-illegal immigration laws up for vote. The lawmakers in the state propose very tough restriction on immigrants who remain in the state illegally. Some of the restrictions deny illegal immigrants access to medical care, social services and the public school system. They also want immigrants to provide citizenship papers when applying for a driver’s license, if no papers can be produced they won’t be given a license. Arizona sees illegal immigration as a serious problem which plagues the state because they use social services without paying the taxes that fund the programs.

Opponents of the new laws say it will lead to profiling Latinos. A large majority of immigrants who come to the US are from Mexico. The liberal immigration laws of the US grants hundreds of thousands of people citizenship annually with the assistance of an immigration attorney. The new laws that Arizona proposes stresses the importance of gaining citizenship to fully reap the benefits afforded by naturalization.

Becoming a US citizen by utilizing an immigration lawyer is a desire of many immigrants. The economic benefits and safety of the US draws many Latinos across the border. Immigrants who stay in the US illegally risk deportation and jeopardize future chances of becoming naturalized citizens. Consulting an immigration lawyer can inform the immigrant of the process of naturalization and outline the benefits of citizenship.