Miami 2/25/2011 2:38:14 AM
News / Law

USDA Announces Incentives to End Hunger Amid Rising Food Prices

by Daun Lee

The Secretary of Agriculture in an address to the nation announced initiatives to end hunger in America. The USDA plans to award states facing the most hunger grants to improve their standard of living. This comes as good news because US food prices are projected to rise 3.5 percent according to Reuter’s with the majority of the rise coming in the latter half of 2011. The rise in food prices is twice the inflation rate. The rest of the world will be greatly affected the rising prices of food.

In his address to the nation Secretary Vilsack stated that a little over 16 percent of American households are food-insecure. The USDA defines food- insecurity as the inability of households to obtain food either through money or other means. High unemployment and rising commodities prices create situations where people will need bankruptcy attorneys to get them out from under mountains of debt in our slow moving economy.

Households facing higher prices on occasion use credit and loans to supplement their incomes and provide basic necessities for themselves and their families. High interest rates and little wage increase drive some citizens into financial distress that requires bankruptcy lawyers for relief. Not being able to feed your family or yourself is a growing concern which the USDA hope to address but foot those who don’t qualify aid their only other choice is acquiring debt that can be impossible to overcome without the expertise of a bankruptcy attorney.