Miami 2/25/2011 6:39:55 AM
News / Law

Quirky Actor David Arquette Attempt to Salvage Failing Marriage

by Daun Lee

The slightly kooky actor has been talking a lot about his marriage to Courtney Cox. The couple who have been married for over ten years have been on shaky grounds for months because of Arquettes behavior. He had a drinking problem and cheated on his wife with a waitress he met in a restaurant. He enraged Cox a couple of months ago by disclosing intimate details of his life with her. He entered rehab to overcome his problems with drugs and alcohol. While he continues to appeal for his marriage in the press, Cox remain silent but supportive.

David isn’t sure if their marriage will survive. Most divorces are initiated by the wife with the guidance of their divorce attorneys. Although the Cox and Arquette nuptials have lasted for a long time, he may have to face the inevitable as they maintain separate residences. Cox has not publically expressed the desire to obtain a divorce. The divorce rate is relatively high and many people don’t struggle to keep their relationships strong in the face of diversity. Infidelity is a strong motivating factor for many women who seek the advice of divorce lawyers

In the past divorcing a spouse held a lot of stigma for those involved but as the moray culture changed so did the viewpoint of the sanctity of marriage. People’s viewpoints towards divorce and divorce lawyers have changed and the negativity towards the situation has been lessened over the past forty to fifty years