Miami 2/26/2011 2:54:04 AM
News / Law

Charlie Sheen Lambasts Alcoholics Anonymous on Talk Radio

by Daun Lee

Once again Charlie Sheen is in the spotlight for his out of control behavior.  On the Prison Planet radio show he insulted the producer of his sitcom “Two and a Half Men”. He called Chuck Lorre a worm which compelled the producer to pull the plug on the popular show. Sheen has had issues with addiction for most of his life. He has had intermittent periods of sobriety and is currently drug and alcohol free Along with insulting his producer he called Alcoholics Anonymous a cult. He also called AA a troll hole that was outdated.           

Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people with sobriety for numerous decades. Alcohol is the number one abused substance in the US and affects men and women of all ages and walks of life. Alcoholics have serious problems with their addiction and are occasionally known to get DUI’s and require DUI attorneys. One required penalty for a drunken driving charge is substance abuse education.

Prolonged abuse of alcohol creates a state of mind were rational decision making is hindered. Thousands of people drive under the influence every year and must hire DUI attorneys. When very drunk people often feel like they are perfectly capable of driving their vehicles but the fact is drunkenness seriously affects you reflexes and can cause serious harm or death. The courts are very strict with drunk drivers and hand own stiff penalties that can be lessened with the retention of a DUI attorney.