Miami 2/26/2011 3:17:57 AM
News / Law

Protestors Killed as Unrest Erupts in Iraq

by Daun Lee

Iraq joins the many other Middle Eastern nation facing uprisings by their citizens who are protesting corruption and government neglect of the people. People all over the world have watched as the number of Middle Eastern nations who face political upheaval rises every day. Currently Libya, Tunisia, Bahrain and Iraq are in the midst of major revolutions. In the effort to contain the uprisings securities forces in each of these countries fire on crowds and many lives have been lost in the effort to improve their way of life. While the numbers of uprisings in The Middle East continue to rise, the rest of the world braces for waves of immigrants.

Western Nations in Europe and the North American continent enjoy peaceful living conditions free of political violence. People who flee countries where their lives are in danger either through violence or natural disasters, are considered refugees. The United States grants citizenship with assistance from immigrations attorneys to thousands of refugees on an annual basis. Nations understand the importance of aiding people who face death or oppression and allow them the opportunity to find freedom and safety in their country.

Refugees who wish to immigrate should seek the advice of an immigration lawyer to obtain asylum in other countries. Living with violence undermines the mental and physical health of men and women across the world. An refugee along with an immigration attorney can appeal to the American government for asylum when their lives face danger.