Sheridan 2/26/2011 8:08:03 PM
News / Law

Patriots Union blasts Senator Scott Brown

We have reason to believe that you have no desire to involve yourself in looking into the corrupt manner in which the UCMJ conducted the trials against one of your constituents (Sgt. Hutchins) as evidenced by your being silent on this issue.

Excerpt from letter to Senator Brown:

Senator Scott Brown

317 Russell St. Office Bld.

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Brown:

Myself and other veterans from around the country have contacted your office without the courtesy of a single reply from you or your senatorial staff with regard to the continued persecution of Sgt. of Marines, Laurence Hutchins III.  We have had several conversations with your staff to include a former active Marine Captain who is on your staff.  This particular staff member knows the history well since he was in Iraq when the events unfolded and had one of the accused members, Cpl. Shumate, as his duty driver.

We have reason to believe that you have no desire to involve yourself in looking into the corrupt manner in which the UCMJ conducted the trials against one of your constituents (Sgt. Hutchins) as evidenced by your being silent on this issue.  You still serve in uniform for the Army reserve as a JAG officer.

First and foremost, you are now also a member of the United States Senate with an obligation to represent your constituents as you stated in your campaign for the 2010 elections.  You ran for what was NOT the seat of the late Senator Kennedy, but the seat of the people of Massachusetts whom you promised to represent. 

In view of last week’s UCMJ decision to overturn an innocent finding and order Sgt Hutchins incarcerated without allowing a clemency hearing, it is time for you to engage, Senator, especially coming from a thirty (30) year background in the penal system known as the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice). 

There is no justice as you know in a penal code.  This is plain and simple history.  The system runs by orders and not justice, as can be found in the writings of Colonel William Winthrop’s, Military Law and Precedent, Vol. I and II – demonstrated in generations of fights on the constitutionality of the UCMJ, better known as the War Articles.

Senator,  we have contacted your office with regard to the plight of Sgt. Hutchins and have offered contact to council and government documentation that shines the light on the truth of what has been done to this Marine and others in the military that sit behind bars of US prisons, out of sheer political expedience. I need not remind you of your oath or obligations to them and your representation of both of your offices, the Senate, and your standing as a commissioned officer. All other individuals previously notified of this issue while in office, such as Mr. Delahunt, were only concerned about capitulation and the sentencing phase in order to find a middle ground for political convenience and plea deal so everyone but Sgt. Hutchins could feel good. Yet, he sits today back behind bars for one simple reason….he refuses to make a deal since he and all involved know that they are not guilty of any of the charges brought against them.
