Miami 3/1/2011 1:29:53 AM
News / Law

Charlie Sheen Talks Drugs on National Television

by Daun Lee

The actor who has continuously created controversy in the media lately agreed to have a drug test to be revealed on national television. After insulting the producer of his popular television show “Two and a Half Men”, the show was canceled for the rest of the season. The actor wants to get back to work but the show producer, Chuck Lorre doesn’t believe he can stay clean. The actor has repeatedly expressed his disgust for Alcoholics Anonymous. Although his drug test, taken on Saturday shows he is substance free his erratic behavior leads many to worry about his mental well-being.

Without the support of other people often relapse and resume their previous bad habits. People who have drug and alcohol problems also encounter other problems many times resulting in driving under the influence charges and will need the help of a DUI lawyer. The repeated use of drugs and alcohol lead can cause people to make unwise decisions like driving while drunk or drugged. Many addicts think they can solve their problems on their own including kicking their bad habits. One bad choice and  a person can get a DUI.

When faced with a drunk or drugged driving charge the employ of a DUI attorney is vital.  There are numerous individuals who aren’t addicts who get charged with a DUI. Penalties and fines for DUIs  are very harsh but the effectiveness of a DUI attorney can assist an individual who face legal woes.