Miami 3/1/2011 4:20:13 AM
News / Law

Italian Leader Silvio Berlusconi Faces Multiple Court Dates

by Daun Lee

The controversial Italian Prime Minister is currently on trial for tax evasion but faces even more charges of corruption. He has been under the microscope lately for his sexual exploits which enraged Italian women across the country. He is now under investigation for allegedly paying for various plastic surgeries for the women who attended his controversial parties, called bunga bunga parties. Earlier this month Berlusconi was accused of paying an underage prostitute for sex.

Although prostitution is legal in Italy, many women in the country find his actions inappropriate especially for a leader of state. The misogynist tendency of their leader sets a bad example for other men and shows an overall disrespect for women. Women struggle against the disrespect which is frequently expressed in the form of sexual harassment. To regain that respect women can employ a sexual harassment lawyer.

Women in the US and around the world have been struggling for respect for decades especially in the workplace. Oftentimes disrespect for women in the work force comes in the form of sexual harassment. Over 30 percent of women report being sexually harassed on the job and retain sexual harassment lawyers to end the ordeal. Sexual harassment can come in the form of innuendos, jokes or comments about physical attributes. Many times harassment can come in the form of offering promotions and raises in exchange for sexual favors. Hiring a sexual harassment lawyer can eliminate the hostile work environment created by harassment.