Miami 3/2/2011 1:28:27 AM
News / Law

Pop Diva Christina Aguilera and Beau Arrested For Public Drunkenness

by Daun Lee

Early Tuesday morning, around 3 am Christina and her boyfriend Matthew Rutler were pulled over by West Hollywood police for erratic driving. The officer stated that the diva was too drunk to take care of herself and would not have been arrested if her boyfriend hadn’t been allegedly driving under the influence. Both were held in jail pending bail payment. TMZ, the celebrity gossip kings say a resource close to Aguilera has repeatedly urged the singer to enter rehab.

Celebrities are no strangers to DUIs. There seems to be a celebrity nabbed for a DUI every other week. The stars can afford the best DUI attorneys so their penalties can be less severe than everyday people, because of their notoriety. The courts however are getting tougher and tougher on people who drive while intoxicated even if they are celebrities. Over 32 percent of traffic fatalities are caused by drunk drivers. This alarming statistic compels the courts to be extremely tough on people who drive drunk.

When drunk, people often think they are fine to drive but the police aren’t fooled and will put a person in jail. When facing a DUI the best way to minimize the penalties is having a DUI lawyer with you in court. Most often a DUI charge will require alcohol education classes and possibly imprisonment. When represented by a DUI attorney, the penalties handed down could be lessened in their severity.