New York, NY 12/6/2008 12:13:53 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Nursing Home Abuse Resources Updated by IQ Nursing Homes

IQ Nursing Homes has recently updated the nursing home abuse information available on its website. This resource is designed to provide a more comprehensive explanation about the types of elder abuse, so that friends and family members of nursing home residents can educate themselves and act as advocates to protect the elderly. Though many are not aware or find it hard to believe, nursing home abuse is a tragically common occurrence in nursing home facilities throughout the country.

The harmful results of nursing home abuse can range from discomfort, to serious injury, and even wrongful death. Elderly residents are often victimized because they are physically or mentally unable to communicate that they are suffering from abuse. Understaffed facilities or insufficiently trained employees can also contribute to elder abuse cases. Abuse is often difficult to detect, and may be missed if a loving family member is not watching out for their elder relative.

IQ Nursing Homes now offers an updated overview of emotional nursing home abuse, physical nursing home abuse, and sexual nursing home abuse, as well as detailed information about the signs and symptoms of each type of abuse. For example, after reading a summary of emotional abuse, site visitors can learn about the warning signs that a nursing home resident who is suffering may exhibit, such as mood swings and strange behaviors. Education and awareness are the best tools to defend against nursing home abuse, and anyone who is concerned about the possibility of abuse should consider reviewing these resources.

Visit IQ Nursing Homes to learn more about nursing home abuse and how to protect your elderly loved ones. You can also find a national nursing home directory, a database of nursing home and elder care facility deficiency and inspection rankings, up-to-date nursing home news, and a guide to choosing the right nursing home.  IQ Nursing Homes offers a free nursing home abuse claim form, which will be reviewed by a qualified nursing home attorney within 36 hours. Nursing home employees who have witnessed abuse can report it anonymously.

About IQ Nursing Homes

IQ Nursing Homes has partnered with nursing home abuse lawyers and nursing home negligence law firms throughout the country with the goal of putting a stop to the victimization of the elderly. By holding negligent staff members accountable for their actions and making it financially devastating for nursing homes to allow abuse to occur, this pattern of nursing home abuse can be put to an end.