Miami 3/2/2011 4:17:52 AM
News / Law

March is the Month to Celebrate Women’s History

by Daun Lee

The struggle of women to become respected members of our society has been a long one. The entire month of March is devoted to the recognition of women and their accomplishments. Until the beginning of the twentieth century women weren’t as respected as men, they didn’t even have the right to vote until the 20’s. In Western cultures women have finally gained the same respect as men and now hold prominent business and political positions. Though they still fight for equal pay they have more rights than their counterparts in other parts of the world.

One struggle women are still battling is sexual harassment in the workplace. More than 30 percent of women claim to have been sexually harassed by a male coworker. Strides have been made by women aided by sexual harassment attorneys in combating this type of harassment. When a coworker makes lewd comments or sexual innuendos a hostile work environment is created, it makes a women feel their value is primarily sexual even though they struggle to be viewed as a peer. A sexual harassment lawyer can help eliminate this type of hostility in the workplace

Other than comments and innuendos many women are confronted by quid pro quo sexual harassment. This type of harassment is often perpetrated by superiors who promise raises or promotions for sexual favors. Retaining a sexual harassment lawyer can hold harassers accountable for their improprieties and allow women to feel accomplished based on their skills instead of their bodies.