Miami 3/3/2011 2:46:28 AM
News / Law

Christian Leader Shot Dead in Pakistan

by Daun Lee

Shahbaz  Bhatti the minorities minister of Pakistan was shot dead by Muslim extremists . The nation of Pakistan has a law against blasphemy which entails a death penalty for people who speak against the Prophet. The former information minister Sherry Rahman along with Bhatti and the governor of Punjab Salman Taseer were supporters of an amendment to the blasphemy law. The three legislators believe that minorities in the country could be victimized by the corrupt use of the blasphemy law by Muslim extremists. Rahman remains in hiding for fear of execution. Now just three months after she proposed the amendment to the blasphemy law her two main supporters have been killed.

When settlers first came to the United States one of their main motivations was the freedom to practice their chosen religion. To this day the freedom of religion is an important principle of the American ideal. People in countries where they religious persecution can immigrate to the US aided by an immigration attorney can request citizenship. The Middle East is rife with religious discrimination and many people wish to immigrate to countries where they are free to practice whatever spiritual beliefs they chose.

Spiritual beliefs are such a personal choice that US citizens can take for granted. With guidance from an immigration lawyer people who are seeking religious freedom can come to the US where they are free to practice what they choose. When facing death or persecution because of a personal belief , the immigrant can become US citizens assisted by an immigration attorney.