Miami 3/3/2011 2:49:25 AM
News / Law

Pop Singer Katy Perry Works Hard to make Marriage Work

by Daun Lee

Katy Perry is a hard working girl who and states she “lives on planes to make marriage work”. The singer married actor/comedian Russell Brand. The singer is on a world tour at the moment while her hubby works on films in the US. In the effort to keep their marriage alive the two say that meeting once a week is one of their marriage rules. The couple will appear on the Oprah Winfrey Show today. This will be their first interview as a married couple.

The rigorous schedules of celebrities often keep married couples apart. Some marriages end because of the work and traveling. Most recently Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansen split because their work kept them apart. Though many couples try to stay together being on different sides of the world or country can put serious strains on a marriage. It is hard to maintain the intimacy required to keep a marriage together. Unfortunately, for these celeb couples divorce lawyers are in their future.

Celebrities aren’t the only people whose marriages suffer from their work.  Numerous married couples are kept apart by their careers. When the marriage can’t work the help of a divorce attorney may be in the future if the prolonged separation can’t be overcome. Not being alone is one of the impetuses that drive people to become involved in intimate relationships, but when work keeps couples apart loneliness can be insurmountable. With the employ of a divorce lawyer the lonely spouse can ask for a divorce.