Detroit 3/3/2011 3:25:45 AM
News / Law

Synthetic Pot to be Banned by the DEA

by Daun Lee

Marijuana substitutes often sold under the monikers Red X Dawn, K2 and Spice have been banned by the Drug Enforcement Agency because of the risks posed to users. The fake pot products are widely available and often purchased by young people to get high. The DEA wanted to ban the chemicals that are synthetic compounds meant to give a high comparable to marijuana but the dangers posed by these chemicals are not yet known. Numerous individuals have been accidentally injured by consumption of these pot substitutes.

The synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed onto herbs and smoked. The substances haven’t been study so the dangers they pose are unknown but many people enter into emergency rooms after consumption of these chemicals. There are numerous substances that when ingested can cause serious harm to individuals when utilized a Michigan accident attorney can help the injured receive compensation for their medical expenditures.

The FDA thoroughly tests the drugs we ingest to be certain citizens aren’t harmed but when they are Michigan accident attorneys can assist injured persons in receiving recompense. The side effects of the marijuana substitutes haven’t been studied and are readily available. When a person is harmed by a chemical the companies and ultimately the federal government are libel for the damage. With the aid of an Michigan accident attorney those harmed by pot substitutes can be reimbursed for the injuries sustained. Until these synthetic marijuana drugs are proven to be safe the DEA will continue with the ban.