Atlanta 3/3/2011 10:02:52 PM
News / Law

Moammar Gadhafi May Be Investigated For Crimes Against Humanity

The International Criminal Court has launched an investigation in to embattled Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi and his advisers. Chief prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo announced Thursday Gadhafi is being investigated for crimes against humanity, including ordering security forces to kill unarmed protesters and ordering airstrikes on civilians. The incidents in question occurred after protests began on February 15.

“No one has the authority to attack and massacre civilians,” Ocampo said.

Ocampo told CNN Gadhafi’s security forces could also be held responsible for crimes they committed at the orders of Gadhafi. He said there is evidence that security forces shot unarmed demonstrators. "We cannot confirm these allegations that these civilians were bombed by planes. But we have... confirmation that civilians that were demonstrating were shot by security forces," Ocampo told CNN.

"I want to be clear: If their troops commit crimes, they could be made criminally responsible,” he said, adding that the investigation is in the early stages and no other details could be released.

Ocampo warned that opposition forces could also be punished for crimes. “Now, there are people opposing Gadhafi with weapons. And also we would like to warn them, you cannot commit crimes,” he said.

Evidence gathered in the investigation will be presented to judges within weeks. The judges will determine who will be charged.


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