Miami 3/4/2011 3:15:18 AM
News / Law

Legend Mickey Rooney Addresses Congress About Elder Abuse

by Daun Lee

Ninety year old Hollywood legend Mickey Rooney spoke before Congress about his concerns over abuses suffered by the elderly. Rooney himself has been a victim of abuse by an unnamed relative. He is appealing to the Senate to pass legislation that protects the elderly from being taken advantage of or harmed. Many elderly are physically, psychologically, financially and sexually abused by their caregivers in their own homes or in nursing homes.

For every case of abuse that is reported exerts estimate five other senior citizens are harmed who don’t report. Many of these cases come in the form of neglect and they often involve accidental injuries especially for residents of nursing homes. Though unintentional, caregivers can harm seniors when they mistreat or ignore their needs causing more medical issues. Personal injuries and psychological damage can lead to high medical bills and emotional pain and suffering. A senior who is harmed by the neglect of others can ask for compensation when they seek the assistance of an accident attorney.

The problem of abuse and personal injuries of vulnerable seniors affects over 2 million per year. The elderly feel afraid and trapped when neglected or harmed. Support of an accident attorney can help the senior regain some safety and financial compensation for their pain. The careless people who inflict pain on the elderly will be held accountable for their actions when an accident lawyer is enlisted to speak for them in court.