Miami 3/4/2011 3:26:22 AM
News / Law

Feds State Inflation is Low but Food Prices Say Otherwise

by Daun Lee

Even before the many upheavals began in the Middle East, we were warned food prices would rise. Now that oil prices are rising every day, so will the price of food. The world food prices will also rise for the eighth straight month. World leaders are concerned seeing the fact that the price of food is one of the reasons the uprisings started.  The Federal Government says inflation is steady at 1.6 percent but the overall price of food has risen an average of 2.2 percent.

The average American household spends 12 percent of their earnings on fuel and food. The price of gas has a dramatic effect on the price of food and other products we purchase. The basic food staples like have seen increase in the range of .8 percent for chicken up to a staggering 27 percent for butter. These high prices will make a serious dent in the pockets of many Americans. When necessary a person may need to use other means to supplement their dwindling incomes. Numerous individuals use credit cards to help provide their necessities which may become impossible to pay off and if so they may need bankruptcy attorneys.

Trying to survive in these tough economic times requires some creative financing. Often people go into extreme debt to buy the thing they need and must employ a bankruptcy attorney to lighten their financial woes. Thousands of people every year become bankrupt and hire bankruptcy lawyers.