Miami 3/4/2011 3:36:31 AM
News / Law

Starlet Angelina Jolie Speaks for Refugees

by Daun Lee

Not only is Angelina a glamorous starlet she is also a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations’ commissioner for refugees. While on a two day trip to Afghanistan the actress most expressed a concern for the plight of people in the Middle East and the Ivory Coast. In the nations of unrest many civilians are blocked from fleeing while Humanitarian organizations can’t reach distressed citizens. Jolie asked that the governments of these nations allow those who wish to migrate be allowed to leave.

Jolie along with humanitarian organizations believe this a crucial time for many who fear for their safety and the world needs to address the issue. Refugees are people who for fear of their personal safety attempt to find asylum in countries that are safe. In the Middle East and the Ivory Coast thousands of people have died for speaking out against corrupt political regimes. An immigrant can ask for asylum with the guidance of an immigration attorney.

The continuous unrest in the Middle East could spread to other countries as the citizens speak out against the injustices they experience under their current political regimes. Because the US recognizes the right of people to live in safe conditions, the government allows refugees to seek asylum in the country guided by an immigration lawyer. With the employ of an immigration lawyer the refugee can be assured an easier transition into their chosen country.