Miami 3/5/2011 3:09:38 AM
News / Law

John Edwards Faces Charges Over Illicit Affair

by Daun Lee

The former North Carolina Presidential hopeful Sen. John Edwards may face charges on the improper use of campaign finances. Major contributors to his campaign for Presidency gave money to his former mistress Rielle Hunter to keep her quiet about their affair and the baby she had with Edwards. Edwards claims he had no idea that his mistress was being paid off but his aid Andrew Young says he was aware of what was going on even if he didn’t know the details. Edwards’s wife Elizabeth died last year after a battle with breast cancer. A Grand Jury is reviewing the facts in the case to determine whether they will indict they former Senator.

Edwards joins the 54 percent of other American men who have illicit affairs. For many women and men an extramarital affair is unforgivable. With the help of a divorce lawyer, over 60 percent of people who have been in marriages where infidelity has occurred will seek a divorce. Infidelity is a common for both and women, but once it happens couples have trouble re-establishing a sense of trust.

The hurt associated with infidelity can be difficult to get over and many consult a divorce attorney for advice on divorce proceedings. When a marriage falls apart there are things that must be decided such as division of assets and custody of children. Employing the expertise of a divorce attorney can be essential to be certain a fair settlement is received by both parties.