Morganton 3/5/2011 3:39:44 AM
News / Law

North Carolina Couple Busted For Running Meth Lab In Child Day Care Center

Police in Morganton, North Carolina, arrested the owner of Kit Kat's Place Family Child Care and her 32 year-old boyfriend Tuesday after an county drug agent checking pseudoephedrine sales in the area reported Epperson and Webb had bought a large amount of the compound, which is used in cold medication but also is a key ingredient for methamphetamines.

"It’s not good to have a meth lab period," said Sgt. Rick Hasson of the Burke Count Narcotics Task Force, who made the bust in Morganton, N.C. "To show up at one that is licensed as a day care is that much worse … I hope this is the last one we ever run across that is a licensed day care."

Katrina Epperson, 27,had been issued her license to operate the day care center on the same day investigators swarmed the place and busted her, local health department spokeswoman Lori Walston told the Morganton News Herald.

No children had yet been enrolled at the center, which was cleared to care for up to eight kids up to age 12.

Police also busted Epperson's boyfriend, Christopher Webb, who appears to have been living with Epperson at the residence they allegedly set up as a day care on the ground floor and a meth kitchen in the basement.

Epperson and Webb were both held in lieu of $25,000 bail, and Epperson's license to operate a day care immediately was suspended by the state.

Epperson has four children -- all under age 10 -- who were taken into custody by social services.

Local authorities said it was the first time a day care has been used to front a methamphetamine lab in the area.

"I think it is alarming to all of us, not only for the children who could have been there but for our staff that has to monitor it," said health department official Tammy Barnes.

 "I guess people are using anything they can for a cover, and it’s just really scary to all of us."

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