Miami 3/5/2011 3:56:47 AM
News / Law

LaToya Jackson Speaks out About Domestic Violence

LaToya Jackson spoke to Wendy Williams about her abusive relationship with her husband and former manager Jack Gordon. Michael’s older sister claims she was forced in to marriage and was beaten so severely in incident she felt like she was left for dead. The singer said it took a lot of courage to leave the abusive relationship but encouraged other women who are abused to leave the relationship. Domestic violence is can be physically, verbally and sexually abusive. Sexual abuse is rarer than physical abuse but is still a problem.

Though sexual harassment isn’t quite considered abuse, men and women who have been harassed can feel like victims. On some level they are victimized by the unchecked sexual innuendos and jokes of coworkers or fellow students. College students and female workers are sexually harassed about 30 percent of the time and those are only the cases that are reported. A Sexual harassment lawyer can give the harassment victim a voice to speak out.

Sexual harassment can take many forms in the workplace and on college campuses. Those who harassed may be afraid to speak out fear reprisals if they speak out against their harassers. The hostility of a learning or work environment can be eliminated once the victim seeks out a sexual harassment attorney. Sexual abuse and harassment affects the life of those who are victimized but with a sexual harassment attorney by the victims side the impact can be lessened.