Miami 3/5/2011 4:04:40 AM
News / Law

Mike Huckabee Rails Oscar Winner Natalie Portman

by Daun Lee

Republican and former Arkansas Governor made disparaging comments about actress Natalie Portman and her pregnancy. Portman and fiancé Benjamin Millepied are expecting their first child. In public statement he says celebrities who are having children out of wedlock are a bad example for single mothers. Huckabee feels as though glamorizing single motherhood is “troubling” and the children face a life of poverty.

Although Huckabee’s concerns are legitimate there are a number of social programs that aid single mothers and their children. This care for children attracts millions of immigrants who are assisted by an immigration lawyer to the US. The various freedoms American citizens enjoy freedom of religion and the viewpoint that women should be married to have children is a particularly right wing viewpoint often dictated by their Christian beliefs. Despite our freedoms some citizens still judge others through the lenses of their belief systems in spite of the amendments that protect citizens from religious persecution.

The numerous immigrants who come to the US are attempting to escape religious persecution in their native countries and are aided by immigration attorneys. The US also likes to assist their citizens with the care of their children through social programs. This caretaking lures immigrants to the US by the hundreds of thousands. When assisted by an immigration lawyer the immigrant who wishes for a better standard of living for themselves and their children can petition for citizenship. Living a wealthier life free from persecution is the dream of many humans.