Miami 3/5/2011 4:58:50 AM
News / Law

Purple Drank Popularized by Hip Hop Culture

by Daun Lee

The intoxicating drink made popular in southern hip hop culture has been hitting the new most likely because football player Jamarcus Russell. Russell was let go from the Oakland Raiders was once caught with the popular drink and could have been a reason his career failed. Purple drank is a beverage that mixes soft drinks with codeine syrup and jolly ranchers. It gets its name from the color of the codeine syrup. Codeine syrup controlled substance and is used to treat coughs. Purple Drank can also be made with over the counter cough syrups.

In small doses codeine and cough syrups are used to treat coughs but in large doses the drink can create a hallucinatory state. The concoction is often mixed in cans so it is portable. Russell was caught once with the concoction in his vehicle. Many may think that since the beverage isn’t alcoholic or a drug they aren’t breaking the law if they drive while under its influence. This simply isn’t true, the drink can seriously impair a driver and if caught they will need a DUI lawyer.

Many of the drugs we take for colds and coughs carry warnings that they can affect a person’s ability to drive, many however do not head this warning and can get a DUI that requires a Dui lawyer to represent them in court. When popularized by a particular culture their fans will try to have the same experiences as their idols. If a person consumes the Purple Drank they might need a DUI attorney to get them out of trouble.