New York, NY 12/8/2008 11:35:28 PM
News / Education

Sexual Harassment Legal Resources Offered by Lawyer Central

Lawyer Central now offers legal information and resources for victims of workplace sexual harassment. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a serious problem, and although employees know that it exists, many are unsure of what to do if they become a victim. Educating yourself on both federal sexual harassment laws and your state’s law is an essential step in protecting yourself from becoming a victim of sexual harassment. When you know your rights, you will know when they are being violated and you will be empowered to defend yourself, and Lawyer Central’s Sexual Harassment Resource Center is designed to help.

According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, sexual harassment is defined as "unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating , hostile or offensive work environment." Title VII of the Civil Rights Act is the main federal law that prohibits sexual harassment. In addition, each state has its own anti-sexual harassment law.

Lawyer Central’s Sexual Harassment Resource Center offers an overview of the basic aspects of sexual harassment, answers to frequently asked sexual harassment questions, information about online sexual harassment, and a guide to fighting sexual harassment. Additional information, legal videos, official links, and a news center are among the additional resources available on the site.

Visit Lawyer Central’s Sexual Harassment Resource Center to learn more about sexual harassment laws and your rights. Additional sexual harassment lawyer videos can be found on our Employee Issue page.

If you are sexually harassed at work, it is advisable to inform the harasser directly that the conduct is unwelcome and must stop. In addition, you should use any employer complaint mechanism or grievance system available. Finally, it is advisable to speak to an employment lawyer about the situation as soon as possible in order to ensure that your rights are protected and the proper legal procedure for dealing with the harassment is followed. Lawyer Central offers a free, no obligation sexual harassment case evaluation. If you fill it out, you will receive a quick response from an employment attorney. You can also discuss workplace harassment, employment laws, and other legal issues on our free legal forum.

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The Lawyer Central Network is an exclusive nationwide network of attorneys highly dedicated to their unique areas of practice, including employment law. Lawyer Central is emerging as the leading public relations and mixed media marketing organization for fast-growing law firms and forward-thinking attorneys. Lawyer Central membership includes a variety of media exposure ranging from practice area video filming, through interviews and complete public relations and internet relations management.