The University of Missouri is using 3D virtual reality platform on mobile devices and laptops to teach young children design. You 12 year old may be designing the next zoo! Many of you might have heard of a platform called 2nd life. Where you can buy virtual property, own a Japanese sushi restaurant. People actual use real money to buy virtual property on 2nd life. Teachers in primary and junior high schools are realizing that they are not able to communicate to younger children. Progressive schools like Waldorf and the Swan school are not entirely abandoning traditional teaching techniques, but are having kids use a 3D virtual reality platform to build: farming communities, gardens, zoos and urban communities.
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Virtual reality can improve design skills in younger generation"In a traditional educational model, learning only occurs in the classroom," MU researcher Newton D'Souza said. "Now, with technology like laptops and mobile phones, learning can occur anywhere from classrooms to hallways to coffee shops. For older generations, technology is a separate fixture. For Generation Y, it's a part of their lives. On one hand, it is exciting; on the other hand, it challenging because we must find ways to adjust teaching styles."
Researchers at the University of Missouri are studying ways to integrate technology into design learning, specifically to learn how to teach children design basics. In an effort to study how children who have grown up in a wired, video game culture use technology, D'Souza engaged young students using a 3D virtual reality platform to teach design. Using a popular existing virtual reality platform called 2nd Life, researchers directed students to design a small zoo. The zoo project involved a topic that young students could relate to, while providing adequate research restraints.
"Right now we are failing to communicate with younger children," D'Souza said. "Learning is effective when previous assumptions are questioned, and nothing is taken for granted. It's not that we should entirely abandon our traditional teaching techniques; we need to consolidate what we have, and yet improvise to meet the needs of current day learners."
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