Miami 3/8/2011 5:11:47 AM
News / Law

New Sexual Abuse Scandal Erupts in Philadelphia Archdiocese

by Daun Lee

A lawsuit was filed by a 28 year old man and his attorneys in Philadelphia claim the Archdiocese failed to stop sexual abuse by priests in their communities. The victim and his attorneys are also suing the priest accused of sexually abusing the man. A Philadelphia Grand Jury stated that there are at least 37 priests under the Philadelphia Archdiocese that are thought to be abusers but still remain active despite solid evidence. The problems of sexual abuse perpetrated by priests have been an ongoing issue for many years. Many different Archdioceses push the issue under the carpet to avoid the costs of a scandal.

Sexual abuse is often a problem people don’t speak about and that includes sexual harassment in the workplace. Although young people who are sexually abused suffer greatly for the rest of their lives people who are harassed sexually in the workplace suffer as well. The victims of abuse and harassment are afraid to speak out but with a sexual harassment lawyer by their sides they needn’t live in fear.  The environment created by sexual harassment can be disconcerting for the victim often feels that naming their accusers will get them fired of looked down upon.

Victims of sexual abuse and harassment don’t have to be afraid to speak out against their abusers. The courts along with sexual harassment lawyers are there to protect victims from their abuser and their protectors. Hiring a sexual harassment attorney will give victims a voice in the justice system.