Miami 3/10/2011 4:48:16 AM
News / Law

Protestors Claim Hearings on Islamic Extremists are Xenophobic

Numerous protestors are gathering in New York City’s Times Square to speak out against Congressional hearings which were organized to address the growing number of Islamic extremists in the US. Xenophobia is a fear or hatred for foreigners and their beliefs of politics according to Wikipedia. The hearings were initiated by Rep. Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee to address the increasing number of Islamic extremists residing within the US. King believes terrorists groups are enlisting American Muslims for radicalism and potentially for homegrown terrorism. Hip Hop entrepreneurs Russell Simmons along with the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf say the hearings are unfair to American Muslims.

American Muslims are often under scrutiny for the actions of extremist groups in the Middle East and in the US. Some Muslims immigrate to the US aide by immigration attorneys to escape the violence which pervades the Middle East. As refugees they are fleeing persecution by fundamentalist Islamic groups who use violence to subdue people in their native countries. Refugees come to the US searching for enhanced freedoms. King says that the growing number of extremists in the US posts a threat to the safety of citizens.

When assisted by an immigration lawyer a refugee can ask for asylum in the US and eventually gain citizenship. Religious freedom is very important to Americans and is protected by the Constitution. An immigration attorney can be helpful to refugees who wish for religious freedom by guiding them through the process of citizenship.