Miami 3/10/2011 4:51:41 AM
News / Law

Marathon Runner Salley Meyerhoff Dies in Accident

by Daun Lee

Winner of last year’s PF Changs Rock’n Roll Arizona Marathon was killed Tuesday in her home state of Arizona. Salley Meyerhoff was a coach as well as participating in triathlons and took place in last year’s Iron Man Championship as an amateur. Meyerhoff, 27, was cycling when she approached a stop sign and failed to yield. A truck struck the athlete and she died instantly. No word on whether the driver of the vehicle faces any charges.

The rising concerns for preserving our environment compel people to look to cycling as an alternative mode of transportation. Collisions between cyclists and vehicle often go unreported unless they involve property damage or injury. When a vehicle collides with a cyclist, the person riding the bike is more likely to suffer some of the injuries can be seriously debilitating. The number of fatalities for cyclist has been decreasing each year as more people become conscientious of cyclists, but over 30,000 of them die each year in the US. People suffering from a personal injury caused by a negligent motorist deserve compensation that can be obtained with the retention of an accident lawyer.

Injuries incurred during a traffic accident can cause short or long term recovery process. The accident victims may lose time from work and accumulate medical bills. The debilitation of the injury couple with rising debt will require assistance from an accident attorney. When going to court to recoup financial losses the counsel of an accident lawyer is crucial to assure the injured will be justly rewarded for their pain.