Miami 3/10/2011 5:02:49 AM
News / Law

Rising Star Heartbroken by Dominic Cooper

by Daun Lee

English actor Dominic Cooper was once the boyfriend of rising star Amanda Seyfried. Seyfried’s new movie “Red Riding Hood” which hits theatres this week told an interviewer that Cooper broke her heart. Cooper and Seyfried met while working on the film ‘Momma Mia’. While the actress was seen cozying up to Ryan Phillipe she stated that he was seeing other people but kept engaging in an on again off again relationship. The lucky girl also dates “True Bloods” Alexander Skarsgard but was too hung up on Dominic to get seriously involved.

Heartbreak is common in relationships and even marriages. There are times when people get married for the wrong reasons. Couples who think they are in love often rush into marriage and sometimes they aren’t as solid as they think. Marriages take work as any divorce lawyer will attest to but something done in haste can only end in divorce. Close to fifty percent of all first time marriages end in divorce.

Marriage is a serious commitment that many modern couples don’t take seriously. There are legal ramifications to consider when entering into the contract of marriage. Counsel of a divorce lawyer can inform the couple of the things to consider when seeking a divorce. The hearts of both people must be into a marriage to make it work without that there is no solid foundation or will to keep the marriage alive. Should a marriage need dissolving, the expertise of a divorce attorney is a necessity.