New York 3/10/2011 5:37:25 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Topamax Birth Defect Risk Outlined in FDA’s Topiramate and Pregnancy Safety Announcement

The FDA has released a safety announcement regarding Topamax and pregnancy to inform the public that there is an increased risk of oral birth defects in children born to women who took Topamax during pregnancy. Topamax (generic: topiramate) is a drug used to treat epileptic seizures and to prevent migraines and, according to the new FDA announcement, can raise the risk of cleft lips and cleft palates in infants exposed to topiramate during pregnancy. If you delivered a child with an oral birth defect after taking topiramate during pregnancy, visit to learn more about Topamax birth defects and to receive a no cost, legal evaluation of your claim. 

Birth defects which may result from use of Topamax during pregnancy include cleft lips and cleft palates, types of birth defects which develop when parts of the lip or palate do not join together completely. This Topamax side effect can range from a tiny notch in the lip to a split which runs into the nose and roof of the mouth. Topamax birth defects may result in minimal problems for the infant or, in cases of large malformations, interfere with eating and speaking. Surgery may be needed to close the gap between the lip and palate forming from the topiramate birth defect. 

Due to the risk of Topamax birth defects, the FDA will strengthen the warning on topiramate. The drug was previously classified under the Pregnancy Category C, indicating that data from animal research suggested potential risks to a fetus, but adequate research from human trials was not available at the time of approval. However, due to the risk of Topamax birth defects, topiramate will now be classified as a Pregnancy Category D drug; this means that there is positive evidence of risk to a human fetus based on human research, but the potential benefits of topiramate in pregnant women may outweigh its risks in some cases. 

If you delivered a child with an oral birth defect after taking Topamax during pregnancy, you may have legal recourse. Topamax users who bore children with topiramate birth defects may be able to participate in a Topamax lawsuit to recover compensation for medical expenses and other damages resulting from their child’s Topamax side effects. To find out if you are eligible for a Topamax lawsuit, visit Class today and complete the free case evaluation form. The birth defect attorneys working with the site are offering this case review at no cost and with no obligation and remain committed to protecting the rights of women who delivered infants with Topamax birth defects. 

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