Miami 3/11/2011 2:41:35 AM
News / Law

Large Settlement Awarded to Family of Woman Dead after Asbestos Exposure

by Daun Lee

In Nottinghamshire, England the family of Dianne Wilmore was awarded 240,000 pound settlement for her untimely death. Wilmore was exposed to asbestos while in secondary school during routine maintenance in which the tiles were disturbed. The 49 year old woman died of mesothelioma, a type of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs and heart. Experts say that 70 to 90 percent of schools across England still contain asbestos.

Asbestos was commonly used in England and in the US as a building material. The toxic substance was used in ceiling tiles, insulation and as a fire retardant. When disturbed microscopic asbestos fibers can be breathed in and lead to serious lung conditions like mesothelioma. Though its use was prohibited in the 80’s by English and American governments, asbestos is still present in many structures including schools. A number of teachers in English schools have died of mesothelioma since 1980 and authorities believe more people will die from asbestos exposure as they get older, because mesothelioma takes time to develop. Children are especially susceptible to developing mesothelioma.

Asbestos is known as the direct cause of mesothelioma. The decision will open likely lead to more lawsuits from victims of mesothelioma. The lawyer representing the family, Michael Lees estimates that at least 11,000 pupils will die of mesothelioma over the next few decades. The decision gives comfort to the family of Dianne who now feel the problem of asbestos exposure is being addressed.