Miami 3/12/2011 5:52:06 AM
News / Law

Tsunami Ravages Japan After Earthquake

by Daun Lee

Last night an 8.9 magnitude earthquake hit Japan, the biggest one to hit the country since geologist began recording earthquake data in the late 1800’s, and the fifth largest in the world. Often tsunamis follow a large earthquake when the ocean floor is disrupted, this earthquake occurred about 150 kilometers offshore. So far 60 people are reported dead, but the devastation is alarming and will surely take days to sift through before an exact death toll can be determined. This is the second high magnitude earthquake to hit in the Pacific, in February New Zealand was the scene of destruction

In 2010 large earthquakes hit Haiti, Chile and Indonesia all three 7.0 magnitude or higher. Earthquakes along with volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and other natural disaster create a class of people referred to as refugees, who must flee the devastation caused in their homelands in search of safety and shelter in another country. Refugees when aided by an immigration attorney can immigrate to in the US in order to rebuild their lives.

In 2010 the earthquake in Haiti displaced many people who became homeless and many chose to leave their country. The US allows refugees assisted by immigration lawyers to seek naturalization when their lives are endangered in their native lands. Natural disasters are just one of the many things that can create refugees who need to find safety. Some seek citizenship in order to attain economic and religious freedom. The expertise of an immigration attorney can be a blessing to the refugee.