Miami 3/12/2011 5:54:48 AM
News / Law

Director Roman Polanski’ Sexual Assault Victim Appears on Good Morning America

by Daun Lee

Long ago, 34 years to be exact Roman Polanski was accused of sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl. Samantha Geimer who is now 47, spoke to Good Morning America about the abuse she has suffered from the media, and courts for re-telling her story. Geimer stated the worst part of the situation was going before a grand jury to tell her story again, and having the paparazzi pursue her family. She stated that what Polanski did was wrong because she was 13 at the time and afraid, but the harassment from the media was worse. Polanski evaded police for a number of years and can’t enter the US or he will face charges. Polanski spent 10 months under house arrest in 2009 while the US attempted to extradite the filmmaker.

Sexual abuse and harassment is unfortunately, a common problem, some statistics show that 3 out of 10 girls and 1 out of 10 boys will be sexually abused in their lifetime. In addition to sexual abuse, many people will be subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace or at school. Between 40 and 70 percent of women are sexually harassed on the job and employ sexual harassment attorneys to be their advocates in court.

The environment created by sexual harassment can be very difficult to deal for the object but can be alleviated by employing a sexual harassment lawyer. With increased awareness sexual abuse and harassment can be a thing of the past. The workplace shouldn’t be a place where a man or woman feels uncomfortable, and when employed a sexual harassment attorney can assist a victim in eliminating those issues.