New York 3/16/2011 4:21:00 AM
News / Law

The Stock Market Drops significantly in the Wake of Japan’s Tragedy

The US stock market took a significant drop after Japan’s Nikkea fell 10.4 percent, today alone, combined with yesterday’s loss that accounts for a total of around 17 percent. The trickle down caused the American stock market to drop 1.7 percent. The drop in the Nikkea is the first major decrease since the economic downturn of 2008 and will likely result in future economic troubles for Japan. Though the drop is thought to be natural in wake of the tragedy, analysts feel that the drop won’t affect worldwide markets.

There is some concern for economic recovery and today’s drop is a cause for concern. Many different aspects affect the economic recovery. Without investing our economy won’t grow as much as needed to lower unemployment. High unemployment combined with rising fuel and food costs lead many people into bankruptcy that requires help from a bankruptcy attorney.

There are numerous individuals and businesses that have trouble keeping up with their growing debt. Price increases on commodities can be hard to incorporate in the already tight budgets. To make up differences in shrinking budgets people acquire credit card and loan debt that can be impossible to get out of unless they employ bankruptcy lawyers. Deciding on that to do when faced with financial devastation can be difficult for the individual or business but consulting an bankruptcy attorney can give them the information needed to decide their future.