Washington 3/16/2011 4:50:29 AM
News / Law

Martial Law Called for by Lawmakers in Bahrain

After weeks of protests, the Bahraini government has declared martial law. Lawmakers in the country asked King Hamad bin Issa al-Khalifa to enact martial law for three months to restore safety and security for citizens. The Government has yet to respond to the request. The mostly Shi’ite protestors are demanding better representation in the government and some even wish to overthrow the mostly Sunni rulers. Leaders in Bahrain have offered to negotiate with the protestors. Deadly force has been used on protestors in the country and many nations condemn the rulers for their transgressions of human rights.

When martial law is declared in country, the military can impose curfews, also there can be a suspension of civil rights and civil laws, all in the interest of restoring order. The many uprisings in the Middle East have created an unsafe environment for citizens in these countries and some citizens may wish to flee to safer countries where they no longer feel for their safety. Political refugees can seek asylum in the US with the guidance of an immigration attorney.

The desire to live in a safer and more economically stable country compels people by the thousands to immigrate to the US. When assisted by an immigration lawyer the refugee can apply for citizenship and having better living conditions for themselves and their families. Living under martial law is undesirable for numerous people who don’t wish to be caught up in turmoil and immigration attorneys can assist them in their endeavor.